Thursday, March 28, 2013

My Birthday greeting!

Today is my birthday, and I take the liberty to blog about whatever I want.
And so, .................I choose to give a shout out to our "furry" friends that bring a bit of extra joy to our lives.

Recently, I decided it was time to take in my outdoor cat who has been living outside my door for about 5 to 6 years. When she came to my door, she was almost dying, so thin and hungry. I started feeding her, made her a home (a lovely basket) on my landing, got her  special water and food bowls of her own. I would have taken her inside, but I already had an "indoor" cat. When that cat passed away, I was in mourning, and could not see getting another pet. But, my outdoor kitty was there to greet me each day, and slowly, slowly, she worked her way into my heart and home. I am allowing her to live both in and out, because she likes it like that, but I got her shots, had her checked out, and now that she has a clean bill of health, she is coming and going from my apartment. The vet told me she is an "extremely nice kitty" and I am happy to have her as my special friend.

I honor many friends from the animal kingdom this day: Harlow, Holly and Ludwig (my granddogs); Lotterio (my grandhorse); Coconut (a friend's wonderful white kitty); George (a friend's beautiful Burmese); Peanut (a friend's large doggie); Fritz and Lea (a friend's pure-bred German Shepherds); Max (a fellow blogger's not-too-well-kitty); Rajah (my brother's bengal cat); Nemo (my niece's chihuahua mix).

I'm sure there are many more, but at the moment, these are the names that come to mind. They are a blessing to us who love them, and on my birthday, I consider these friends a special gift.

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