Thursday, December 6, 2012

Silent Night, Holy Night!

The idea of the Nativity Creche, or the display of figures representing Christ's Manger, is nothing new. In fact, one of the most impressive Creches is the one displayed each holiday season at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City!And, it is from the 18th Century!

Each year, in the museum's entry lobby, an enormous Christmas tree and the famed Neapolitan Baroque creche is there for viewing from mid-November to January of the New Year. The tree is real, a 20 foot blue spruce, and the collection of almost life-sized figures include angels and cherubs hovering over the Nativity scene. Christmas music is played and a daily lighting takes place. This tradition has been kept since the 1950's when Loretta Hines Howard's donation of the figures made this possible. She began collecting the wood carved figures in 1925. The tree top is also a carved piece, the Christmas Star!

I, too, keep the tradition going in my home. Of course, mine is a more reasonable size!
I bring it out each year, and set up the scene, sometimes with lights, sometimes with candles, sometimes with a snowy blanket. I haven't quite decided what I will do this year, but it's out of the box, and set in place. I am waiting for inspiration! Any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Put hay under it and make it woodland :) ...or burlap...
