The Olympic Games are over, and there's a bit of a void now for me. I really enjoyed the Games. Some sports I enjoy more than others, but once the various competitions are on, you can't help get into the spirit of the thing. One of my favorites was the Marathon, not only for its long-distance challenge, but the tour of London along the way! Brilliant!

To those that sit at any board.
None ever hungry from these Games come home,
Or e'er made plaint of viands, or of room.[
By 1740, the Games were known as Dover's Meeting, with wrestling contests where competitors wore heavily-nailed boots and employed shin-kicking into the sport. Ouch! By 1750, women were enrolled in a horse race. The Games were performed over a long weekend.I have followed sports since I was a small child, sitting with my Dad in front of the television, or in a stadium, to watch a World Series, a Super Bowl, a Wimbledon Championship, and of course, the Olympics. I always remember my Dad, a consumate sports-lover, saying that "Sports are truth in motion!" And it's true, they take place where it can be anybody's day to shine. You never know the outcome until it happens, and then you celebrate a bit, but when it's over, it's over. You realize it was the getting there that holds the real excitement!
And so I look forward now to Sochi and the Winter Olympics 2014. May they be as satisfying as the London Games.
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