On the 4th of July, I was afforded the wonderful opportunity of leaping back into history, and donning 18th Century attire, courtesy of my friend at
http://dressedintime.blogspot.com. She asked me along to represent the 1770's with her at the annual Summerlin 4th of July Parade (Las Vegas, NV). Quite a festive event, it was well attended by all kinds of groups, including Star Wars Storm Troopers, a collection of Porsche auto enthusiasts, a Scottish Bagpipe troupe, to name a few.
Our entry was with the Southern Nevada Living History Association with representation from ancient Roman soldiers, 1700's, Civil War, World War II. It's a wonderful group who do some re-enacting work, one planned for this coming October, an actual Civil War battle staged in Spring Mountain Ranch.

My costume was really beautiful (at left), completely handmade by my Dressed In Time cohort (below at right), with such detail. I was surprised how many parts and how many layers there are to an outfit of this timeframe, with the various undergarments, that support and enhance the exterior look.

The day was overcast in the early morning, a bit humid, with some drizzle, which added to the ambiance of the eastern seaboard, the 13 Colonies, Williamsburg,Virginia and what the Colonists must have endured during the summer months. All those clothes, and no air conditioning! Gee, are we spoiled!? By ten 'o clock it was really sweltering, but did not diminish the festivities.
The experience was so much fun that now I want to participate more often, plan an outfit, sew the clothes. I love reading history, particularly the 1700's in America as well as Britian.This gives one the chance to do more than read and imagine. You are actually a living part of historical events!
I look forward to another chance to "walk the walk"!
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